Month: August 2022

White Shark Andromache Travels to Canadian Waters for the First Time

Posted 08/25/2022 in OCEARCH,

White shark Andromache travels to Canadian waters for the first time! After being tagged off Cape Cod in August 2020, we’ve seen her spend her past 2 summers and early fall in this region, but this morning she pinged in the Chignecto Bay off New Brunswick, Canada! We’re excited to see where she goes next. Track Andromache’s movements alongside our science team on the OCEARCH Global Shark ...

Water Resources to Become Less Predictable With Climate Change

Posted 08/25/2022 in Water Research,

News | August 10, 2022

Water Resources To Become Less Predictable With Climate Change

Declining snowpack will cause more variability in runoff, streamflow

Water resources will fluctuate increasingly and become more and more difficult to predict in snow-dominated regions across the Northern Hemisphere by later this century, according to a comprehensive new climate change study ...


Posted 08/23/2022 in Authentic Autrey,


Shades of the dwindling day fade into the coming night.
The artful glow sinks in the sky as darkness shades the light.

Now rest your soul and tired limbs let sleep begin its play,
Your dreams and loves await you, on your pillow, where you lay.

The morning sun will dry the dew and the day will have its start,
and you'll awaken fresh and new with...

When sharks are present in an ecosystem...

Posted 08/10/2022 in OCEARCH,

July 29, 2022


When sharks are present in an ecosystem it is a positive sign of ocean health and abundance. As apex predators with diverse prey, sharks help prevent one species from monopolizing in a region, which then allows the overall diversity within an ecosystem to increase. Studies of marine areas with and without apex predators show ...

Can a pipeline really bring drinking water from Mississippi to the west?

Posted 08/10/2022 in Water Research,

News Feature | August 3, 2022


Can A Pipeline Really Bring Drinking Water From Mississippi To The West?


By Peter Chawaga

With water scarcity growing across the world, water systems are getting creative in how they’re meeting consumption demand. For instance, Israel has launched the world’s first project to channel desalinated water into a natural ...

Can We Have A Word – Or Should I Say Pictures, About Critically Important Realities?

Posted 08/10/2022 in Political,

Can We Have A Word –

Or Should I Say Pictures,

About Critically Important Realities?


If we don't have a clear grasp of the magnitude of our circumstances,

we'll never remedy them.


By: Pem Schaeffer

[email protected]

August 6, 2022


As a lifelong engineer, I long long ago developed an intuitive sense of the relative ...

We Introduced the Atomic Age 77 Years Ago. What have we done since?

Posted 08/10/2022 in Political,

We Introduced the

Atomic Age 77 Years Ago.

What have we done since?


By: Bill Schoettler

August 7, 2022


Quite a few things, actually, We have fed the world, provided technology in multiple fields (agriculture, mechanics, medicine, energy, education, plus), and offered guidance (mostly unaccepted) in politics and civics and culture. We have ...

Our strength

Posted 08/10/2022 in Judd Garrett, Political,

Our strength

By: Judd Garrett

Objectivity is the Objective

August 7, 2022


“Diversity is our strength.” They keep telling us that again and again and again, with such matter-of-fact certitude that we are supposed to take this assertion as self-evident. It is presented as a priori knowledge, accepted without empirical evidence, and cannot be ...

Nancy Pelosi’s Childlike Diplomacy Mirrors America’s Childlike Posture Toward China

Posted 08/10/2022 in Political, Victor Davis Hanson,

Nancy Pelosi’s Childlike Diplomacy Mirrors

America’s Childlike Posture Toward China


The Chinese have done and will do a

great deal of damage to America,

but not nearly as much as

we have done to ourselves.


By: Victor Davis Hanson

American Greatness

August 7, 2022


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s sin was not in ...

Who Has The High Ground?

Posted 08/01/2022 in Political,

Who Has The High Ground?

The radical left's message is powerful but unnatural


By: Ben Domenech

The Transom

July 25, 2022


I had the welcome opportunity to join Mark Levin over the weekend for his Fox broadcast. I always like talking to Levin, he gives people the opportunity to speak for more than a minute, which is an eternity in television time. ...


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