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Autrey Research was founded as a public resource for the truth. In a complex world with new threatening issues presented daily, the people need snapshot briefings as well in depth essays of relevant information. Honest and verified information about topics centered on personal health, local and federal governance, and international threats and relationships is essential to our sustenance as a free society. Reaching beyond popular social platforms, Autrey Research is an independent source for verifiable information pertaining to topics for everyday living. Issues that challenge the health and security of our free society are investigated and presented in essay form to satisfy our growing need for accurate and timely information.

This a  new venture that is expected to attract thousands of visitors per month and as such , we are offering an introductory offer to our first 4 advertisers.

We are waiving our fee for:

1. Ad design – this includes a “business card” style ad layout with logo and relevant messaging.

2. Ad placement – as traffic grows, the most visited categories and pages will command the highest prices…..the first 4 advertisers will be on the home page for the length of their initial contract.

3. First 90 days – there will be no cost to advertise for the first quarter of ad placement. The cost going forward will be $225.00/qtr. For the length of the contract period.


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