Category: Water Research

Cleaner Water With Electrified Membranes

Posted 07/24/2024 in Water Research,

News | July 18, 2024

Cleaner Water With Electrified Membranes

Nitrate contamination in water has long presented threats to the environment and human health. Now, Yale researchers have developed an efficient and effective way to remove it. 

Lea Winter, assistant professor of chemical & environmental engineering, proposes the use of electrified membranes made with carbon ...

E.P.A. Is Letting Cities Dump More Raw Sewage Into Rivers for Years to Come

Posted 07/08/2024 in Water Research,



By Christopher Flavelle

Mr. Flavelle went 10 stories beneath Washington, D.C., to learn why sewage storage tunnels cost so much to build.

Published Jan. 24, 2020Updated Jan. 28, 2020

The Environmental Protection Agency has made it easier for cities to keep dumping raw sewage into rivers by letting them delay or otherwise...

Boil-Water Advisory Is Lifted in Washington and Northern Virginia

Posted 07/08/2024 in Water Research,


By John Yoon

July 4, 2024

The authorities in Washington and Arlington, Va., on Wednesday advised all 920,000 residents to boil their drinking water after they discovered that algae blooms in the Potomac River had raised pollution levels in a reservoir.

The boil water advisory, which extended to the ...

How Remote Water Quality Monitoring Improves Crisis Response

Posted 04/04/2024 in Water Research,

Article | March 27, 2024

How Monitoring Improves Crisis Response

Source: Badger Meter

To protect themselves and their communities, water utilities must have a crisis response plan in place. However, a crisis response plan is only valuable if the right technologies are in place. Remote water quality monitoring is the key to mitigating the risk of contaminated source ...

How Surfing Inspired Me To Create A Company That Keeps Our Oceans Clean

Posted 12/12/2023 in Water Research,

Article | December 14, 2022

How Surfing Inspired Me To Create A Company That Keeps Our Oceans Clean

Source: Kando

By Ari Goldfarb, Co-Founder and CEO of Kando

Don’t be complacent with an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mentality when it comes to our polluted oceans. It won’t do you any good.

The world’s oceans, with their vast expanses and endless ...

Billings, Montana's Only Source-Water Body Hits A Record Low

Posted 11/21/2023 in Water Research,

Billings, Montana's Only Source-Water Body Hits A Record Low

January 12, 2022 

By Peter Chawaga

The sole source of drinking water for one of Montana’s largest cities has dropped to a record low in another historic sign of ongoing drought that’s impacting much of the American West.

“The Yellowstone [River] is Billings’ one source of drinking water, and the city ...

Arizona Rep.: California's Water Plan Is 'Reckless And Unacceptable'

Posted 11/21/2023 in Water Research,

Arizona Rep.: California's Water Plan Is 'Reckless And Unacceptable'

September 13, 2022

By Peter Chawaga

Increasing drought in the American West has forced states to try and work together to collectively conserve the dwindling source water that remains. But recent comments from one state legislator to another indicate that cooperation could be hard to ...

Arizona's $1.2B Water Plan Will Bring Stormwater, Desalination To Desert Region

Posted 11/21/2023 in Water Research,

Arizona's $1.2B Water Plan Will Bring Stormwater, Desalination To Desert Region

July 19, 2022

By Peter Chawaga

The extent of drought in the U.S. West is forcing many water systems to put significant dollars behind innovative water management measures. Now, that includes more than $1 billion in one of the country’s most arid regions.

“Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ...

How Poland Springs Attempted To Thwart Water Protection Rules

Posted 11/21/2023 in Water Research,

How Poland Springs Attempted To Thwart Water Protection Rules
Peter Chawaga - editor
By Peter Chawaga

A recent effort to protect source water in Maine was thwarted by a surprising opponent: lobbyists representing one of the world’s largest bottled water companies.

“When Maine lawmakers tried to rein in large-scale access to the state’s freshwater this year, the...

5,000-Mile-Wide Seaweed Bloom Approaching Florida, Threatening Water Quality

Posted 11/21/2023 in Water Research,

5,000-Mile-Wide Seaweed Bloom Approaching Florida, Threatening Water Quality Peter Chawaga - editor By Peter Chawaga A downright monstrous source water growth is making its way toward the Florida coast, serving as an unmissable reminder of how climate change is impacting our environment. “Marine scientists are tracking a 5,000-mile-wide seaweed bloom that is so large, it can be seen from...


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